
Take a look at Webhawk's creative leap with an editorial feature for Green Drain, published in the prestigious USA Today. The unique design surrounding the product image, coupled with our compelling write-up, fortified the brand's social proof.


Green Drain, Inc.


Editorial Design, Branding

Crafting a Compelling Narrative

When Green Drain sought to make its mark within a renowned publication like USA Today, Webhawk saw a golden opportunity. With a keen understanding of the product's significance and the brand's vision, we developed an editorial piece that not only narrated Green Drain's journey but also highlighted its innovative contribution to eco-friendly plumbing solutions.

Our design strategy centered around featuring a prominent image of the product, surrounded by our engaging write-up. This novel design approach ensured that the story and the product were intrinsically linked, creating a powerful visual narrative for readers.

Impacting Social Proof and Brand Recognition

The results of the USA Today feature were substantial, leading to a surge in Green Drain's social proof. By positioning the brand within a respected publication, and coupling it with a unique design and compelling narrative, we significantly boosted its credibility in the market.

Further, the editorial piece amplified brand recognition, attracting a broader audience and facilitating conversations about the brand on various social media platforms.

"The editorial feature Webhawk designed for us in USA Today was exceptional. It wasn't just an article, but a compelling narrative that boosted our brand's visibility and credibility. Their unique design approach truly made the Green Drain story stand out." - Green Drain Team


Webhawk's work on the USA Today editorial feature is an affirmation of our ability to use unique design and storytelling to create a compelling narrative, fostering enhanced brand recognition and social proof. This project stands as a testament to our commitment to propel our clients' success stories on a larger, influential platform.
